Monday, July 30, 2012

Core Truths-Volume Three - The Complete Moral Degeneracy of the SDE

The Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's (SDE) core document, the blueprint as it were of the process of creating the New World Order (NWO)says:

"What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto? 
"In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised.  I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature right lies in force." 

If ever you want to understand the reality of "the mark of the beast" go to this page and spend a couple of months listening to the videos and reading the comments. 

Yale University Professor, Dr. Wyman's lectures of the survival methods of animal species.

Every Christian person focuses on some abstract or fanciful prophetic meaning and method of the Mark of the Beast. However, just like from the very beginning as the New Testament states "there have been and are anti-christs" so the same evil has been trying to "mark humans as beasts only" for a very long time.  What people do not realize in our time is that the SDE has been very successful in that effort in the last one-hundred and fifty years. Before people would ever be willing to accept a physical mark, branded as beast only, they would have to be indoctrinated into the "philosophy" and come to view themselves as "beast only."  Today a great portion of the population has done just that, accepted the premise that they are mere biology and nothing more, that is a mere beast. 

The complete moral degeneracy of the SDE is evident in that statement above, first marking humans as "beasts only"; second assessing the primitive and primary structure of the family as being "subjected to brutal and blind force"; third assessing LAW as merely a form of "brutal and blind force"; and finally drawing the conclusion that the only moral right is force. 

Unless you accept the premise that humans are "beast only" you cannot accept the premise of herding humans like cattle, or marking humans like cattle. The degrading of the human to beast is the lowest realm of moral decay. It is the realm of the morality and mentality of the pimp and sex slaver carried to the realm of educational establishments and world governance.  It IS the mentality of the culture of death which at present is culling the human species "herd" on a massive world scale our media will not report, our officials try to hide and most common and decent Americans would and DO find impossible to believe. 

We are not beast only, but we may live as such if we do not establish conscious contact with the being who created us. He created us not as beasts, but greater than the angels, if we can grasp that; we hold the possibility of coming to experience that. And even here in our fallen state we may function as so much more than a mere beast, in communion with our creator, operating in the "more than beast" power he shares with us. 

Such As I Have Give I Thee

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Core Truths - Volume Two - Economic Terrorism

The Luciferian Scientific Dictatorship Elite (SDE), the New World Order(NWO) isn't some abstract philosophical society. They are the terrorist, the global thieves, the over-lords of our present situation. Politicians (Romney/Obama and Parties Republican/Democrat are their puppets.  If you have not read "Core Truths Volume One"  - do that before watching this video so you can have context to understand what you are seeing.

Volume one dealt with extortion based on violence. Volume two deals with extortion based on thread of poverty and economic chaos. What you will discover, is that the real "chaos" is our capitulation to the thieves of the Scientific Dictatorship Elite and those thieves are the highest ranking members of our government and the ruling elite of the international banking houses.  

I wrote in 1992, that if you completely closed the borders of the United Sates, freed every technological advancement anchored in this country (a few I witnessed personally) from the constraints of the Federal Government and the International Corporations, which actively destroy and suppress technology, (actually secretly hoard for future use) that the creative inventors and business men of the U.S. would make our economy leap light years ahead of the rest of the world. As I said at the time, it isn't a matter of the U.S. becoming some super power and paradise, it is rather that the true advancement of humanity; the rising tide that FREEDOM would generate would ultimately lift all boats. 

It isn't as true today, it would not leap light years, only centuries ahead; and we would create inside our borders the closest thing to economic paradise this world has ever seen; a hundred times more distinct than in the 1950s and 1960s when we were then centuries ahead of every other country on the planet. 

What has stopped this experience? It SHOULD have happened and IF Liberty truly reigned it would have happened. But it did not. Why? The answer is the Luciferian SDE/NWO acting as Economic Terrorists. 

Core Truths - Volume One

The Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's (SDE) core document, the blueprint as it were of the process of creating the New World Order (NWO)says:

"It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorism, and not by academic discussion. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare."

If you doubt the Luciferian character of the men who have taken hold of our country, eviscerated our Constitution, and spat upon the Declaration of Independence, read that statement carefully.  Let us take the latter premise first that all men want to be all powerful and would sacrifice any and all for that purpose. This in fact is a de facto exposure of the nature of those in the SDE, but it says nothing about the American, whom they seek to defeat. 

We have the very raw and vivid example just last week of that horrible massacre in Aurora, Colorado where a mad man attacked and killed 12 theatre goers and wounded many more. These were not especial people, but a cross section of ordinary mostly young people in a theatre in the wee hours of the morning. What happened there? How many in that tiny sample of American citizenry were heros? Literally using the only shield and defense they had, their own bodies, in a moment of instant realization chose the way of Christ, to lay down their bodies for the sake of others?! This is the American Character, and it is not natively, Luciferian.  

(The Death Toll Rose - James Holmes Charged With 24 Counts of Murder, 116 Counts of Attempted Murder Blaze/AP) -

That cynical description of humans by the SDE says that humans are savage beast having managed to mask-over some of their savagery with a coat of "civilization."  This theme is drummed into our young.  No wonder some become savage mad men.  I recently endured many hours of lectures by a Yale professor, an expert in Darwinian/Malthusian Population Models, whose entire course could be summed up in that sentence.  He, himself summed it up exactly that way in a mumbling disjointed statement in his last lecture, saying, "Well I think you get the message . . . ah . . that I was actually going to show you  - - this is the end of the course. I was going to show you - - Let me show you - - the beginning of the - -  a little video, it was not in the right format.  It shows our favorite dung beetles copulating. It's very graphic and it looks just like humans, the same rhythm and everything, same motions. So and uh, and uh, the message of the course was, this is what this course was about - - start with insects doing their thing and you end up humans doing their thing, and in between nothing really has changed . . .  It's all community acceptance, it's all status and we just - - that comes directly from the chimpanzees."

This is not the description of humans, but the description of who Lucifer accuses us of being, claiming by nature that we are created in his (Lucifer's) image.  This description is straight from Lucifer's ego, humans, not capable of anything higher than savage destruction.  Lucifer is a creature who owns massive degrees of sophistication, education, charm, knowledge of the ages, who has cobbled together empire after empire, but is an angel of hell, a beast wishing to rule unfettered and unrestrained as the dictator of all. As Aurora showed it isn't quite an accurate description of humankind.

What of the premise that "men with bad instincts are more in number than the good"?   This statement is true if you examine what the SDE means by "bad and good."  As is stated in other places those with "good instincts" use their powers to dominate and enslave others. Those with "bad instincts" care about the plight of others as well as themselves.  The lying-wisdom of this philosophy is very clear from even the first paragraph.  In the same paragraph stating that people are so intrinsically narcissistic that they would sacrifice all others just for power, they state that most have "bad" instincts - in other words, they care about the welfare of others. How is that instinct to care for other used against the "weak" men?  It is used by extortion. What is the nature of kidnapping?  It is extortion; if you do not provide us with our demands we will torture and kill this one we are holding for whom you hold love and care.  So that is what the SDE calls, "weak men" those who may be manipulated by extortion. That is what the paragraph says: "therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorism."  

You will remember that George Herbert Walker Bush was the first self-confessed "New World Order President."  Others have gone to great effort to expose his ties to the SDE, so I won't repeat any of that here. Do your own research.  Since the time of GHW Bush we have endured a series of Traitors holding the Office of the President, all violating their oaths of office to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of American, rather their loyalty was to the SDE/NWO to eviscerate the Constitution, destroy American Sovereignty, make void our borders, enslave us to international authorities and Marxist/Sharia Compliant governance. How did they manage to destroy our Liberty, to void our Constitution?  Exactly by their playbook, through violence and terrorism.  9/11/2001 happened and the citizens of the United States were placed in a state of extortion. The entire country was held hostage to the fear that event created, and as is the philosophy of the SDE/NWO you never let a crisis go to waste. So they used that fear, heightened that fear, fed that fear and kept that fear alive.  

To see how true this is all you have to do is look at the massive security it takes to get on an airplane vs the total lack of security on our borders.  Surely for the most dullard of dullards that image ought to sink in!  If the threat is radical terrorists, why is it the citizens are body searched and the smuggling paths kept open? The answer is that it isn't about combating terror it is about creating a constant extortion.  What politician could stand up to the Constitution crushing "Patriot Act" and not be branded "irresponsible"?  After all, we must take ALL MEASURES to protect against terrorist attack. And ALL MEASURES included voiding the Constitution.  What better reminder to the working and middle class American than body searches at airports worse than I ever had to endure as a Chaplain in a maximum security state prison. 

Let that sentence sink deeply, because people who care about other people are open to extortion for the sake of the safety of others, "the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorism." 


Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Insanity of the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's Culture

Twenty years ago I was at the Art Institute Museum in Chicago. I stood on the 4th floor with tears of sadness, shame and more than a little anger in my thoughts.  Before me was a canvas nearly forty feet wide and about twelve feet high. It dominated the "modern art" exhibit. It was painted a dark chocolate color, totally consistent like on a wall, except for the lower left-hand corner which was faded to a medium to light creamed coffee color.  It came complete with a brass plaque explaining the genius of the artist.  A woman stood enraptured by this mass of chocolate color. Her little daughter, no more than seven years old was tugging on her arm saying, "Let's go. I want to see the Cassants." The mother felt the need to enlighten the child and gave her a lecture on minimalism.  I literally had to bite my tongue to keep from belly laughing or screaming "Stupid CUNT!" at the diabolical ignorance of the mother, who was expressing the insanity of the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's assault on REASON. Here before my eyes was a parent cooperating, participating in the madness, helping to indoctrinate her own child! She was teaching that child that forty feet of chocolate colored canvas, faded in a corner was high culture, and represented the pinnacle of creativity and reason within Western Civilization and deserved to be enshrined and venerated in the glorious Chicago Art Institute Museum.  What a silly ICON of human imagination it was! At least it was just dumb and not totally demonic like some of the art. 

I heard the words from that beautiful Orthodox hymn, "Your Holy Spirit inspires artists, poets and scientists" . . . and I had to add, except for the demonically insane ones. 

I did not have the discipline to remain silent, but I would not break a cardinal rule and demean a parent in front of a child.  Instead, I backed up a few feet to a very authoritative looking middle aged black female security guard.  I observed the blank harsh stare in her eyes which said, "Don't speak to me!" I leaned into her ear and said very faintly, "Are you and I the only sane people in this room who know that chocolate monstrosity is utter shit; a total con-game? I just pooped a better version this morning."  She looked at first shocked and then her eyes lit up and came alive. She turned and looked at me like I was the kindest, sweetest person she had ever seen in her life; like she was in a crypt and suddenly the resurrected Jesus had walked in.  Honest, I would not have been shocked if she had kissed me. I think it took restraint on her part not to hug me. We were now nose to nose almost touching; we were too close, it was, kiss her or back up. I opted for the latter.  Tears welled in her eyes and she said, "Honey, it is a parade of insane white people thru here every day.  I hate the 4th floor!"  I said, "Don't ever doubt that this is shit." She said, "Thank you for saying so. So few white folk have the sense to see it for what it is."

Moments of insanity: 
I personally witnessed John Cage playing his one note concerto, variously tapping and then pounding one note for an inexorably long time, while stupid people who had paid for this abuse, gazed as if hearing angels sing. I was actually paid to tune the whole piano for this crap con-game performance. 

The Scientistic Dictatorship Elite are not mad; they are diabolical, rather Luciferian. They laugh at us, who are too stupid to get it. They have created an insane culture for us - which is aimed at destroying reason, aimed at dulling our intrinsic sense of truth, goodness and beauty and WE are buying it! 

Ordinary people with the powers of abstraction know intrinsically what is beautiful, what is good, what is true when they see it and hear it.  But they are susceptible to hypnotic manipulations. And the satanic hypnotists have been working overtime. 

It is true that tastes become refined - like the reason I know that Art Tatum was the greatest pianist who has so far lived, and most people don't get it.  But most people can observe that Art's music is different, that he works hard at it, even if they don't realize its "extra" qualities, like all trained musicians, do.  Understand, Art isn't trying on this tape, he is just "playing around" with a classical theme.  Trust me Horowitz could not have touched this if he practiced 24/7 for all his life.  

By comparison, here is a minimalist painting, how hard do you think this fellow worked?  Come on!  You know that most any imbecile on a tricycle could accomplish this. I've seen artists ten thousand times more gifted at the Georgia Retardation Center.  (GRC - Chamblee, Georgia  - closed in the 1980s - It housed profoundly retarded children and adults.)  

That wonderful Gospel of Thomas - that isn't really Gnostic, like the Roman Catholic Church says, but is rather pictures of spiritual growth stated in esoteric terms.  It has a verse that goes, "There is coming a time when men old in years will not hesitate to ask a young child the meaning of life." 

There was a time I believed that sentence to mean that children in the "end times" would be born with great wisdom. Now, IN the end times, which are surely these days, I have discovered that the small child isn't especially wise, as per the innate intelligence of the human species, born with the ability of abstraction. Rather that the generations preceding have grown insane, dumb to reason, devoid of the ability of abstraction. Sadly many under fifty, more under forty, and most under thirty fit this description having relinquished matters of reason and taste to the "insane elite" who are creating our morals and our culture for us.  A culture where this represents creativity:

and this is judged passe'.

Not just passe' but schmaltzy and sentimental, even vulgar, to hear some effeminate modern art critics tell the story. 

It is an insane culture where this represents great talent and wisdom and sells for tens of millions of dollars in the economy of the Scientific Dictatorship Elite - 

And this isn't art.

BTW, I painted this painting in 1990, and am very proud that it recently sold  out of a San Diego gallery for $14,889. dollars.  I gave it away, never made a penny on it. It is worth much to me to know that some of my stuff is being "appreciated" figuratively and literally. 

Don't think this insanity is new. I was just a small child in the early 50s when audiences were being conned into believing that John Cage meant anything. Do a little research and realize that this is from a kinescope recording which were very expensive to make. Money and Power were behind this attack on REASON.  


Honest, people paid money to see this con-game. People were too insecure in their own GOD GIVEN perceptions to assert openly that this is SHIT. They were told that John Cage's insanity was "high art" and like somnambulistic zombies they bought it! Believed it!  

However, my compositions were not even in the arena, not reviewed, they were not art. 

The effeminate local art/music critic told me he was doing me a favor by not writing about my performances because they just were not original and showed my lack of training.  You be the judge. 

WAKE UP and be the judge. 

Which is art?


or (2) 


or (4) 

(5) I actually like this Cage piece - which he wrote twenty years later when his first con had grown stale.  However, every concert grand he desecrated like this was useless for real artists until restored. 

or (6)

Folks, please WAKE UP!

Twenty years later I still hear that child's plea in my ears,  "Let's go. I want to see the Cassants." The small child full of wisdom and the mother, conditioned, dumb, locked into the insanity of the Culture.  I've held that small child in my heart all these years and hope that today she isn't standing in front of some demonic or meaningless piece of shit indoctrinating her own child into the reason-demolishing culture of the NEW WORLD ORDER. 

A Scientistic Dictatorship Elite?  Really?   Why should we NOT take them at their word?

Why should we NOT take them at their word.